OneDay in your Life
I'm really excited to announce that I will be offering a new product/service very soon. It basically say what it does on the tin. Yes I will spend a whole day with you and your family, thats from first thing in the morning - well as soon as someone lets me in the front door if I didn't sleepover - to last thing at night. Your own personal embedded photographer for the day, capturing the ordinary moments that we don't really notice . . . until a few months/years later when we have completely forgotten how "Alice always used her favourite toothbrush" or that "Dad always read the paper at the table" how they would wave back at Mum from the school gate, or just how they all played, fought, laughed and cried together.
I'm really excited about this and hope that you will be as well, so to share my excitement the first three bookings will get this opportunity at 1/3 OFF. The usual cost will be £350 for the day but to get the ball rolling I am offering this at £300 and that even includes the story of your day as a hardback book which is part of this package.
You can read a bit more about it here