The RSC at the Royal Albert Hall
How do you shephard 150 members of the Royal Choral Society to line up for a group shot? Well it went a lot easier than I expected, I think the over-riding factor was that this was at the start of their luch break between the morning rehersals and the afternoon performance, virtally everyone was hungry and looking forward to having some lunch so it was very much in their own interest to get it over as quick as possible. When I was told at the start of the day that I would most probably have 10-15 minutes for the main group shots I must admit I was a little concerned, not only about getting 150 people standing in the right place but also about excluding members of the public from the shot. In the end it all went amazingly well and the public not only held back from walking into shot but judging from the number of clicks that were going off all around me ended up with shots of a great cast of singers outside a wonderful location..... everyone was happy!